Our latest articles Are you up-to-date with our latest articles? Read our tips and advice on everything dog, from behaviour to health and much more! posts Skip posts Case study: A day in the life of a PitPat puppy Meet Eric and his owners Steven and Louisa! Eric is the newest addition to the PitPat office pups, and we… 26 January, 2021 Importing puppies and dogs to the UK: what you need to know Since the UK went into lockdown in March 2020 demand for puppies has soared and stayed high. This demand means… 15 January, 2021 Pet passports after Brexit If you’re considering taking your dog on holiday with you to the EU, there are new rules in place that… 06 January, 2021 Grooming your puppy Grooming your puppy is an essential part of their routine, and whether you take your pup to a professional or… 23 December, 2020 How to choose a dog trainer If you’re lucky enough to have a dog as part of your family, you will know how important it is… 22 December, 2020 Surviving puppy adolescence Your puppy is an angel. They’ve learnt all their tricks, they have perfect recall, and they love to snuggle with… 22 December, 2020 Puppy socialisation and habituation The experiences that your puppy has whilst they are young will stay with them for the rest of their life…. 21 December, 2020 Buying a puppy during lockdown Updated on the 21st of December 2020. Please consult your local government guidance for the most up to date information…. 21 December, 2020 How to have a relaxing Christmas with your dog Christmas is a time to gather with family and friends, and of course we want to include our favourite furry… 07 December, 2020 Dogs Trust change the tale for dogs in need 2020 has been a devastating year for many, and charities have been hit particularly hard. Now, more than ever, people… 30 November, 2020 9101112131415 Categories Latest articles Exercising your dog Case studies Managing your dog’s weight Your new puppy Which breed is best? Dog health and wellness Going places with your dog Playing with your dog Feeding your dog